Although this is the final decision, there is still place for you in 2024...
It's time to share some important updates regarding the Summer Sensual Days.
After facing unforeseen challenges that prevented us from holding the event in our beloved destination, Rovinj, we explored various options to make it happen in 2024. However, starting anew and delivering an experience up to our standards is no small feat, and it demands time and meticulous planning. Considering the extensive preparations needed for the big 20th anniversary of the Croatian Summer Salsa Festival, taking place in Rovinj in 2024, we have made the thoughtful decision to reschedule the Summer Sensual Days to 2025, introducing a fresh start at a new location, a new beginning, and a new dimension to our beloved festival.
A new date and location for 2025 will be announced when everything is in place.
Your support, patience, and loyalty throughout this time mean the world to us. And as a token of our appreciation, we've got some great news for you!
This one is especially for you, bachateros! Our 20th-anniversary celebration is going to be next-level. Here's a taste of what's in store for CSSF 2024:
We'd love to have you with us in Rovinj from June 10 to 17, 2024! Our preliminary program is already live, and we'll be adding more exciting stuff as we go along.
To stay in the loop about all the latest updates for this grand celebration, keep an eye on the CSSF website, follow us on CSSF Facebook, subscribe to our CSSF newsletter, and join the CSSF Telegram channel.
Once again, thank you very much for your patience and understanding, and we hope that you will continue your summer dance adventures with us - either next year in Rovinj or in 2025 at a new location in a new sensual edition!