Many roads lead to Rovinj and we'll help you find the best one for you with some of our personal recommendations.
Check out some more detailed ways to arrive to Rovinj recommended by the tourist board of Rovinj or join our official FB PAGE for finding travel mates and roommates - that will definitely help you plan ;)
*IMPORTANT! Before traveling, make sure you inform yourself about current pandemic situation in your country and destination country and possible traveling measures/restrictions. Check the link for latest updates for Croatia.
Although Rovinj has no airport there are several airports you can choose from while checking the flight connections. For more information make sure you follow this link (coming to Rovinj by plane)
There are some cheap airlines (EasyJet, Flyglobespan, German Wings, Ryan Air, ScandJet, TUIFly, Wizzair) flying to these town. There is a great page that might help you find the right flight for you!
For all salseros coming from Italy or passing through Italy, you might want to look at a ferry line from Venice to Rovinj. Please look at these links for more information:
Coming by car? Do you have your own transportation? Look at some of these rout planning sites:
The closest train stations are in Rijeka and Pula. You can take the bus from there to Rovinj.
Also, a site of Croatian Tourist Board can help you find some more info on travel to Croatia.